Thursday, 13 September 2018

Best Solutions For Dandruff

  • What is dandruff ?
It is a condition of the scalp that causes  lakes of skin to appear.It is often accompanied by itching.We don't  care it ,it leads to a severe condition ,which includes inflammation of the skin ,is known as Seborrheic Dermatitis.
  1. Lemon
All we know that Lemon is a vitamin citrus fruit.anti-oxidant and anti-jungal properties that light dandruff and promote healthy scalp and hair.Lemon contains Citric acid and its acidic nature balances the scalps pH level and sheds away dead skins cells.Its healing properly soothes irritation and reduces itching.
                Let's see which are the different quick and easy ways to use lemon for dandruff.

  • Take a fresh lemon and squeeze the juice in a bowl.
  • Take  coconut oil in another bowl.Need to warm the coconut oil  directly for the external application.(How to warm coconut oil :- Take a water in a bowl  containing coconut oil in it and warm it}
  • Add 2 table  spoons of  lemon juice to this highly warmed coconut oil.
  • Mix them will.
  • Marriage properly into your scalp and hair.
  • Leave for 15 to 20 minutes then wash off(wash off with lesons if needed or with mild shampoos)
Do it for 2 days interval for first week then continue for once in a week for best result.
Note:-We can add some drops of castor oil in it.

   2.Fenugreek seeds + Lemon  juice 
  • Put some fenugreek seeds in water at night .keep it for overnight.
  • Grind it in morning(If  powder  is  we can use it instead of that )
  • Add lemon juice to it and mix well .
  • Apply on scalp and leave for 20 minutes.
  • Wash of with plain water.
      3.Tea water
    Tea water is not only good for drink but also it is one of the suitable remedy for dandruff .It has antioxidants which makes its useful.

    • Add 2 table spoon of tea into one cup of water and boil it properly.
    • Bring it down and allow it for cool .
    • After cooling ,filter the water.
    • Add one table spoon of lemon into it.
    • Then apply to the scalp with proper massage and wash the hair after 20 minutes.

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